Give Thanks Jar

I’m in full on Thanksgiving mood over here these days if you couldn’t tell by my gratitude game post on Sunday or this one. And I’ll apologize now if you aren’t a Thanksgiving person because they are going to keep on coming over the next few weeks. I had the great opportunity to try out Bird’s Party Thanksgiving Printables and they just brought out the craftiness in me.

A typical tradition during Thanksgiving dinner is to go around the table and have everyone say something that they’re thankful for, or at least that’s how it worked at my house. I always hate having to come up with the perfect answer on the spot, the answer that no one else thought of and that isn’t a generic “my family,” type answer. This year I thought it would be fun to take the tradition one step further and come up with things I’m grateful for all month long and create a give thanks jar to keep them all in. It’s a simple jar that I can fill up with the things I’m grateful for as I think of them including the random ones like and fuzzy socks to the more important ones like K and my beliefs.

christmas games for kids and adults
Give Thanks Jar with Free Printables from #Thanksgiving #crafts

And best of all? Not only do I have a jar of things I’m grateful for, I have cute decorations to put on my mantel to replace my mummy drink bottles . I love killing two birds with one stone. This is one of the easiest things ever but I’ll give you step by step instructions anyway, what else would I do with all the pictures I took?

Give Thanks Jar


  • Mason jar (although really any container would work)
  • Container for your blank pieces of paper (I got mine at Target in the dollar section)
  • Colored paper cut up into slips of paper
  • Ribbon (or whatever you want to use to embellish the bottle)
  • Bird’s Party Thanksgiving Printables
  • Glue/adhesive of some sort


Step 1 Print and cut out your Thanksgiving printables .
Step 2 – Decorate jar with ribbon, printables, and any other embellishments you want.

Give Thanks Jar with Free Printables from #Thanksgiving #crafts Step 3 – Write things you’re thankful for on the slips of paper (either all at once as a family activity or throughout the month when inspiration strikes) and put them in the jar.

Step 4 – On Thanksgiving day, or when the time is right, open the jar one day and read all of the things that you’re thankful for. It’s always fun to see what people come up with when they have longer than a few minutes to think about it.

Give Thanks Jar with Free Printables from #Thanksgiving #crafts

What would be the first thing you would put in a Give Thanks Jar?

If you liked this post you should check out these other Thanksgiving ideas.

Thanksgiving Popcorn Jars Thanksgiving Peek-A-Boo Cake How to Teach Children Gratitude: The Gratitude Game signature