Dinosaur Party Games and Prizes

Celebrate your favorite dinosaur lover with a dinosaur dig, one of the best dinosaur party games for dinosaur lovers of all ages!

Great dinosaur party games! This dinosaur dig idea is perfect for all dinosaur lovers!

I’m a boy mom so that means our house is full of dinosaurs. Dinosaur toys, Jurassic World bedding, shirts with dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes.

Great dinosaur party games! This dinosaur dig idea is perfect for all dinosaur lovers!

We did this dinosaur dig for one of the dinosaur party games at my son’s Disney themed birthday party , and the kids all loved it so I figured I’d share the idea here!

The basic idea of the dinosaur dig is that you’ll fill a large bucket with rice and small plastic dinosaurs, dinosaur eggs filled with candy, silly putty eggs, etc.

Then cover the “prizes” with the rice and for the game have the kids dig for dinosaurs. Or if you want to do this outdoors like we did for my son’s birthday party, you could definitely use sand as well. Sand just doesn’t clean up well inside.

You can either see who can find the most items in a certain amount of time (for older kids), see who can find certain items the quickest (again for older kids) or just let the kids dig around in the rice to find a prize or prizes to take home.

Great dinosaur party games! This dinosaur dig idea is perfect for all dinosaur lovers!

This is one of the easiest party games you’ll ever plan and put together. And bonus, if you don’t want to do something else, the dinosaurs the kids find during the dig can be their party favors! I’m all about killing two birds, okay pterodactyls, with one stone.


  • Under the bed storage bin
  • Rice – I used three 10 lb bags of white long grain rice to fill my storage bin
  • Small plastic dinosaurs like these ones
  • Other dinosaur toys or prizes
  • Eggs filled with candy/prizes (dinosaur eggs)


I feel kind of silly even giving you these instructions because it’s so simple.

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Fill the storage bin with rice then hide the dinosaurs and prizes inside the rice. You could also use uncooked pasta or sand, but I found that the rice is easier to buy in bulk and much cleaner than the sand.

Great dinosaur party games! This dinosaur dig idea is perfect for all dinosaur lovers!

Just make sure you have a vacuum on hand for after the dig is over. I guarantee you’ll need it.

See who can find the most items in a certain amount of time or see who can find certain items (e.g., T-rex, brontosaurus) the quickest.

You could even turn it into a relay and have one team find all of one type of dinosaurs and another team find all of another type.

Great dinosaur party games! This dinosaur dig idea is perfect for all dinosaur lovers!

For younger kids: Let them dig around in the rice to find a prize or prizes to take home. Or just let them dig around and play in the rice for as long as they’ll stay entertained.

Great dinosaur party games! This dinosaur dig idea is perfect for all dinosaur lovers!

More Dinosaur Party Ideas

Great dinosaur party games! This dinosaur dig idea is perfect for all dinosaur lovers!